Whether in childhood, adolescence or adulthood, we all experience trauma. Through the groundbreaking work of psychiatrist Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk, there is scientific evidence that our bodies truly keep the score and with the right support and therapies, we have the capacity to cultivate healing and resilience. Emotional eating can be a consequence of trauma, even disordered eating. But what about illness? Whether you are suffering from asthma, allergies, autoimmune disease, diabetes, cancer, GI disorders or heart disease, learning how to connect with food from cooking to eating can be an instrumental part of your healing process.

Edible Transformation is about empowerment and uniting with nourishment in a new way. Through mindful activities, hands on cooking and eating experiences, you will have the opportunity to join with yourself and others in a safe, small group setting to gain the knowledge and skills to treat yourself kindly and eat healthfully.

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For tailored experiences, whether family, friends, within your institution or corporation, Feel free to contact stefanie directly!


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